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Humanity Matters Dot Org

Humanity Matters Dot Org

Hi, everyone you need to visit Humanity Matters Dot Org as that is where 90% of my videos, podcast and contextual content is posted. It is almost impossible to maintain nine web sites when you have no automation or a staff, as a result please drive your traffic to

Humanity Matters Dot Org for all the great content and for a new feature wealth creation that will save you thousands of dollars and could earn you an additional income.Thank you,Albert Torcaso

Monday, December 19, 2005

Al needs some cheering up.

Al has taken a fall and is in the hospital. He fell and broke his hip they expect him to be in rehabilitation by Wednesday. so Look in on him if you can.
If you are out of state maybe you can say a prayer for him if you pray if not maybe you can just wish him well or send me an e-mail and I will let him know about it.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

Please watch Humanity Matters Monday's at eight pm on PCTV21 In Pittsburgh PA.

Notice I made changes to this post for security reasons. As we know there are many kind and great souls online but there are also unkind souls online for that reason I thought it best to make the changes.

My e-mail address to send e-mail wishes is


http://www.house.gov Let them know how you feel and your views on how they run America.

http://www.senate.gov Let your views be known.
Let us speak out on issues that matter.

I take this juice and it helps my voice and stomach.

Some of you may know I have an acid reflux problem and it makes my voice very raspy. Well, I have been taking
Healthy Systems Aloe Pure Whole Leaf Barbadensis Mango Papaya 5000 and I now have a much better command of my voice. I tell you this in case you have any issues with voice or stomach you just may wish to get a bottle of this product. It works, my voice is proof of that.
One thing I admit though is this stuff has a rough taste and you will need to take a few sips of water or another drink, but trust me it's worth putting up with the taste. Trust me it does the job.
In fact, I used to go out and Karaoke, but my voice gave out and I would sound like a dying animal! Now, if I try singing I just might only sound like a wounded animal and in six months who knows I may even sound good at it.
Think about that and if you ever need to know where to get this product try looking online or contact me and I am not getting a penny to tell you about this, but feel that by letting people know about this product It may help you if you have theses type of ailments.
I would like to read your feedback on this topic, please e-mail me or post a comment at my blog
Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.
Please watch Humanity Matters Monday's at eight pm on PCTV21 In Pittsburgh PA.
http://www.house.gov Let them know how you feel and your views on how they run America.
http://www.senate.gov Let your views be known.

Monday, December 12, 2005

They fought for freedom will we?. http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=30#2

Yes, and no, with the Social Security card there is a limit to the type of information they can get and what the law permits. With these new laws there is much more information available and the laws allow them to look at everything which means innocent people ( including me or you. ) can be spied on, harassed, and maybe arrested based on suppositions and not on evidence learned by an investigation. Say for example you visit a web page seeking only to read a story and that type of story is considered pornography or maybe you're reading about some sick killer,or anything that may be on a watch list even though it is not a criminal offense. They can deem you a risk and bam they are getting up into your business for no good reason. There is much more that  is troublesome about these laws, but you must learn some of that for yourself. What I will say is Joe is completely in agreement with me on this issue.
Think about every woman and man who have fought for freedom and ask them should this laws be permitted? I bet they would say no.
More of my thoughts are below, but they are not just addressed to you, David, rather they are addressed to every American that values freedom.
We need freedom and not new laws claiming to protect us when in fact they take our freedoms away. I ask you how is taking our freedom away protecting us? And what would the founders of our great nation say about these new laws?
We must fight for our freedom with pen and paper, with phone calls and faxes, and fight legally and peacefully, but make no mistake we must indeed fight any law that take away our fundamental rights of freedom which include free speech and freedom of expression.
If we sit back and allow these laws to remain then we have disgraced our nation and have made a mockery of what our founding fathers and mothers fought and died for. Let us remember for two hundred and twenty nine years we fought and died for freedom. Are we to allow laws like this to take all of that away?
.Subject: Re: A real fight to stay free. http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=30#2

I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Don't we use our social security number for that kind of thing?

On 12/13/05, ActorAJ <actoraj@torcasomedia.com> wrote:
Very simple. You will soon be forced to carry a national ID card and maybe need what amounts to a passport to do interstate travel. One may ask what is the big deal having a national ID card? Simple. It will have much of your very private information an it will be easy for the government and others to abuse that type of power.
In a very simple term even though Erie is still in PA you may need a type of passport to go from Pittsburgh to Erie. Now, does that sound American to you?
Okay, then explain in simple words what this is all about and maybe I can fix it.

The Real ID Act only hurts law abiding citizens. Should we give up our freedoms because we fear being attacked? To give in to these fears allows those who would attack us to win without ever stepping foot on our soil. I will not give in to fear and I will not sit back while my government imposes laws restricting our freedoms. We can demand they repeal this law, but we must act together,
Albert Torcaso

Tell Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act

The Senate passed the REAL ID Act on May 10th. This new law requires Americans for the first time in our history to carry national ID cards. Internal passports. Congress has imposed this on you and now thinks you will forget about it. Do not forget about it. Hold a grudge! Tell Congress you haven't forgotten about this issue, and demand that they take immediate action to repeal the REAL ID Act. Use the forms below to send your message to Congress.
The Honorable Arlen Specter
United States Senate
711 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-3802
202-224-4254 (Phone)
202-228-1229 (Fax)
http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=C= ontactInfo.Home

The Honorable Rick Santorum
United States Senate
511 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-3804
202-224-6324 (Phone)
202-228-0604 (Fax)
<= /p>

The Honorable Michael Doyle
United States House of Representatives
401 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515-3814
202-225-2135 (Phone)
202-225-3084 (Fax)

http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=30#2  Take action now sign this or call on Congress to repeal this attack on our fredom.

http://www.house.gov   Let them know how you feel and your views on how they run America.
http://www.senate.gov Let your views be known.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Please remember our veterans of WW2 today.

Today is December -7-2005. More than sixty years have past, but back in 1941 America was in danger of losing it's freedom. Heroes went to war with Japan and Germany and other nations to save free people not only here in America, but, around the world so please seek out a living vet of World War 2 or visit a grave of a fallen WW2 hero. They deserve that after all they saved a nation and a world of freedom.
I believe in friendship and love, but to forget what our men and women did to save liberty would be an insult to every American living or dead.
I know we are friends with most of the nations who fought us in WW2 and I believe in friendship, but we must remember the price we paid before that friendship was there. Let no person ever forget what was done by these heroes and the heroes around the globe who fought to keep our world and it's people free.

Written by Albert Torcaso (C) 2005.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Is Congress as smart as him?

I really have to think about this.

At least he is thinking, but can we say that about our members of Congress? Think about what they do to our nation?

Democrats and Republicans in Congress do more for themselves then they do for America.

Want to change that? Well, let's vote in every election until we get real government Of, By, and For the people.

Now, that's worth thinking about wouldn't you agree?
Think about this. Man and woman believes themselves to be the smartest beings on the earth, yet the earth has many problems including lack of knowledge to cure the common cold, fight cancer and win, stop hatred and war.

Answer what is the meaning of life to name just a few. And by the way when is the last time you saw any animals at war?

When the last time an animal attempted to wipe out an entire species? Seems to me that humans think they are smart, but are we?

Would it be paradise?

I live my life as the man in this tale, and I agree with this forward 100%.

Original Message -----

Heaven and Hell

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred
to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the
road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?

This is Heaven, sir," the man answered.

Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked.

Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.The man gestured, and the gate began to open.
Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" the traveler asked.

I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

Excuse me!" he called to the man. "Do you have any water?"
Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in."

How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog.

There should be a bowl by the pump.

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.

The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

What do you call this place?" the traveler asked.

This is Heaven," he answered.

Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.
Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell."

Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?"

No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.

You are all welcome @ my water bowl anytime.

Credit should be given to the writer of this forward. The above message is a forward I received from a friend below.
I have put my thoughts about this message.

I believe that Heaven could not be paradise if it did not allow our pets in. As many feel as I do that our pets are our family and who among us would wish to be in Heaven without the family we love?

This section was written by Albert Torcaso, host of Humanity Matters.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This morning.

A good friend of mine sent this to me, George J. sent it. He is a good man
and I hope he and all of you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and


>> Subject: This morning...
>> This morning when the Lord opened a window to Heaven, He saw me, and He
>> asked: "My child, what is your greatest wish for today?" I responded:
>> "Lord
>> please, take care of the person who is reading this message, their
>> family
>> and their special friends. They deserve it and I love them very much".
>> The
>> love of God is like the ocean, you can see its beginning, but not its
>> end.
>> This message works on the day you receive it. Let us see if it is true.
>> ANGELS EXIST but some times, since they don't all have wings, we call
>> them
>> Pass this on to your friends. Something good will happen to you at 11:11
>> in
>> the evening; something that you have been waiting to hear.
>> Do not break this prayer; send it to a minimum of 5 people
>> "The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary..."

You have finally crossed the line and now my words shall rebuke you, David.

Those comments are stupid for even your type of thinking. I can't believe you would be so weak minded to even for a second believe those statements. And I take great offense to those statements as MILLIONS OF LIBERALS HAVE DIED FOR THIS NATION IN DEFENSE OF FREEDOM AND YOUR COMMENTS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THEIR HEROIC DEEDS AND SACRIFICES. I AM FULLY APPALLED BY YOUR TREACHEROUS bordering on traitorous comments.
If It were not for liberals many of the workplace conditions, safety issues and other freedoms and benefits all Americans enjoy would not be in place. And in every war conservatives, and liberals worked side by side and fought and died together for this nations freedom. I will never allow you or any person to disregard, disgrace, or minimize the heroic deeds all American soldiers from all political parties, religions,and creeds have done for more than two hundred and twenty nine years to protect our great nation.
David, I soundly and fully rebuke such traitorous comments from you. These words you have written are Un - patriotic and downright Un-American. You claim to care about this country? How dare you try to put our heroes names in disgrace!  How dare you say such evil words! You are a very mean un-edcated un-caring, man and you are full of hate.
I think you should move away from America as it is abundantly clear that you don't care about America only about yourself and your party. And may I add most republicans would also strongly rebuke such comments you have made about our fellow Americans. Lincoln and most of our fore fathers would have tried you or sent you out of our nation for such traitorous  comments that you have made.
I am ashamed to know a man so full of hate so ignorant of the truth and of our history.
Shame on you, David, you have attempted to disgrace heroes, but have only achieved in disgracing yourself.
Liberals love this nation, but you do not, David.
In my show I try to show that republicans and democrats do work together. I try to show love, all you succeed at David, is showing hatred for many of my fellow Americans and your films are a great example of how much hate you have in you,Every film you do has a person killed in it mostly women. I can't see why you are so filled with hate, but I do feel you need some type of counseling as the amount of hate in you seems to grow every second of the day.
And my I remind you in Rome they used to have slaves fight to the death would you endorse such actions, David? Just because something used to be done does not mean it was the right thing to do, David. There used to be abuse of children in schools should this also be reinstated David? No, David, what you say shows nothing but hate and your love of anger. I shall not stand down or back down in any way when I read traitorous comments from you or anyone be they from the left, right, or center. Your comments are pure evil and make me sick in the stomach to read them.
And yes,  I will yell when an evil person attempts to disgrace the heroes of America.
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:46 AM
Subject: RE: Understanding the game is the only way to win.

            I am not wrong, Al; I am Right.  Liberals today don’t care about America. They would gladly hand it over to the terrorist if they had the chance. Jefferson was a different kind of liberal.  I agree with him that this government can not be run by any religion.  On the other hand, the US was founded in the Christian belief (which is important), therefore Christian mottos, etc. are incorporated into the fabric of this society (same as Rome). You liberals should not be allowed to erase what this country is all about because of your silly-assed “diversity.”  The Ten Commandments is a vital part of OUR history and should never be taken away from sight. If an atheist doesn’t like seeing it, then go somewhere else. When you come to this country to live you are supposed to BECOME one of us, not fight against us. This country is not RUN by any religion at all.  You are free to practice your religion here whatever it is, but leave the FABRIC and history of this country alone. When in Rome.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


See my friends, I told you many a time that if we write, fax, e- mail, or call our leaders we can and will have victory on issues that matter to us so, get ready to enjoy this victory, but don't forget to keep writing, faxing, e-mailing or calling your elected officials. Contact city, state, and federal officials about matters you care about and we shall have more victories like these.
PA House and Senate repeal their pay grab. and read below.
Now break out the soda, beer, wine or any drink that makes you happy because we have had a VICTORY!!! And this is worth shouting about.
Http://www.house.gov  Take action today.
Http://www.senate.gov   Take action today.
Dear Albert.

I have some great news! This week, leadership in the House of Representatives was forced to strip language from their version of the budget bill that would have opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and our coasts to drilling. This victory wouldn't have been possible without support from people like you!

Thanks to pressure from constituents and the environmental community, a group of Republicans and Democrats held firm -- dealing a major blow to Big Oil, the Bush Administration, and leadership in the House. This victory shows that protecting our natural resources is not a partisan issue -- and that a majority of Americans support a sound energy policy.

Even after removing the Arctic and coastal drilling provisions from the bill, House leadership had to pull their version of the budget off the floor because they didn't have the votes to pass it. However, they are likely try to bring it back for a vote in the near future. Although Arctic Refuge and coastal drilling are no longer in the House bill, other anti-environmental provisions remain -- such as a controversial mining land give-away.

And last week, the Senate narrowly approved drilling language in their version of the budget bill. We will continue call on our elected officials to keep Arctic Refuge drilling out of a final bill.

As we continue to monitor the budget process, we will let you know how you can help. But for now, let's take a moment and celebrate this victory for the Arctic and our coasts!

Thank you for all your support.

League of Conservation Voters

Thursday, November 17, 2005

What they said about Eddie.

You can read or hear what other people said about Eddie and why they shall miss him.  Even if you are not a fan of wrestling you should read this as it is about a fellow human being.
Wrestling may be choreographed but, the injuries and pain they go through is very real. Just ask Bruno Samartino if you don't believe it.
I will miss the entertainment Eddie brought to the ring and I will hope that the WWE will provide  some form of support for his wife and children he leaves behind three children one is only three years old.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Can we stay healthy?

It is time we get lowered priced medicines and healthcare. Let all of us fight for a lower cost of needed medicines and healthcare. Write to your leaders on a monthly basis and we may finally get the lower prices we need to stay healthy or get well.
Below is an e-mail a friend sent to me, I believe we are all effected by healthcare cost and therefore I wanted to share this with you.
I thought I would share this email I received today about the cost of drugs.
(This is just mind-boggling!)  Make sure you read all the way past the list of the drugs
The woman that signed below is a Budget Analyst out of federal Washington, ! DC offices.

Did you ever wonder how much it costs a drug company for the active ingredient in prescription medications? Some people think it must cost a lot, since  many drugs sell for more than $2.00 per tablet. We did a search of offshore chemical synthesizers that supply the active ingredients found in drugs approved by the FDA.  
A significant percentage of drugs sold in the United States contain active ingredients made in other countries. In our independent investigation of how much profit drug companies really make, we obtained the actual price of active ingredients used in some of the most popular drugs sold in America.

The data below speaks for itself.

Celebrex: 100 mg        -                        
Consumer price (100 tablets): $130.27
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.60
Percent markup: 21,712%

Claritin: 10 mg
Consumer Price (100 tablets): $215.17
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.71
Percent markup: 30,306%

Keflex: 250 mg
Consumer Price (100 tablets): $157.39
Cost of general active ingredients: $1.88
Percent markup: 8,372%

Lipitor: 20 mg
Consumer Price (100 tablets): $272.37
Cost of general active ingredients: $5.80
Percent markup: 4,696%

Norvasc: 10 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $188.29
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.14
Percent markup: 134,493%

Paxil: 20 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $220.27
Cost of general active ingredients: $7.60
Percent markup: 2,898%

Prevacid: 30 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $44.77
Cost of general active ingredients: $1.01
Percent markup: 34,136%

Prilosec: 20 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $360.97
Cost of general active ingredients $0.52
Percent markup: 69,417%

Prozac: 20 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets) : $247.47
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.11
Percent markup: 224,973%

Tenormin: 50 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $104.47
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.13
Percent markup: 80,362%

Vasotec: 10 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $102.37
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.20
Percent markup: 51,185%

Xanax: 1 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets) : $136.79
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.024
Percent markup: 569,958%

Zestril: 20 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets) $89.89
Cost of general active ingredients $3.20
Percent markup: 2,809

Zithromax: 600 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $1,482.19
Cost of general active ingredients: $18.78
Percent markup: 7,892%

Zocor: 40 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $350.27
Cost of general active ingredients: $8.63
Percent markup: 4,059%
Zoloft: 50 mg
Consumer price: $206.87
Cost of general active ingredients: $1.75
Percent markup: 11,821%

It pays to shop around. This helps to solve the mystery as to why they can afford to put a Walgreen's on every corner. On Monday night, Steve Wilson, an investigative reporter for Channel 7 News in Detroit, did a story on generic drug price gouging by pharmacies. He found
in his investigation, that some of these generic drugs were marked up as much as 3,000% or more. Yes, that's not a typo.....three thousand percent! So often, we blame the drug companies for the high cost of drugs, and usually rightfully so.
But in this case, the fault clearly lies with the pharmacies themselves. For example, if you had to buy a prescription drug, and bought the name brand, you might pay $100 for 100 pills. The pharmacist might tell you that if you get the generic equivalent, they would only cost $80, making you think you are "saving" $20. What the pharmacist is not telling you is that those 100 generic pills may have only cost him $10!

At the end of the report, one of the anchors asked Mr. Wilson whether or not there were any pharmacies that did not adhere to this practice, and he said that Costco consistently charged little over their cost for the generic drugs.

I went to the Costco site, where you can look up any drug, and get its online price. It says that the in-store prices are consistent with the online prices. I was appalled. Just to give you one example from my own experience, I had to use the drug, Compazine, which helps prevent nausea in chemo patients.
I used the generic equivalent, which cost $54.99 for 60 pills at CVS. I checked the price at Costco, and I could have bought 100 pills for $19.89 For 145 of my pain pills, I paid
$72.57. I could have got 150 at Costco for $28.08.

I would like to mention, that although Costco is a "membership" type store, you do NOT have to be a member to buy prescriptions there, as it is a federally regulated substance. You just tell them at the door that you wish to use the pharmacy, and they will let you in. (this is
true)  I went to Costco this past Thursday and asked them. 

Sharon D.
Budget Analyst
U.S. Department of Commerce

Sunday, October 30, 2005

It was worth it.

Why must people cry about the cost of war? Don't they know that it is worth the cost? Why cry about 2,022 dead Americans? I mean it's only two thousand lives big deal! And come on! What could two billion dollars buy? What is all the fuss about?
That is how many supporters of this war must feel or we would be getting ready to leave there and even if leaving is a bad idea losing American lives and billions of dollars is a much worse idea. Anyone who thinks I am wrong then I dare you to visit each section of said web site.
Note: Bush now says we must keep fighting in Iraq because it is filled with our enemies. Before we went to Iraq did you know there were very few camps in Iraq that had enemies of America. What we have done is made it a holy war and that is a war no nation can ever win. Will we be forever engaged in a war now? And won't it bankrupt our nation?
If you feel that we need to start bringing our women and men home and spending that money here in America you should take two actions.
1, Contact the House and Senate tell them it's time to bring our people home. Http://www.house.gov
2, Send this e-mail and let many more people be able to ask this very simple question is it worth it?
For those who would call me unpatriotic or communist I say to them to question bad policy and bad government does not make you unpatriotic or a traitor. It makes you a person who cares about ones nation and the health and welfare of our people. To those who say otherwise I ask you would you stand and defend this nation with every fiber of your being? Would you be willing to fight for freedom? I would and I would also be willing to fight for civil rights and all of our inalienable rights given to every American citizen. Would you stand beside me and defend our great nation? Or would you just run away?
The War in Iraq Costs

See the cost in your community

Or compare to the cost of:

Notes and Sources
Embed a counter in your own web page!
Set up an LED counter on Main Street in your town.

In April, 2003 an intergenerational team of Niko Matsakis of Boston, MA and Elias Vlanton of Takoma Park, MD created costofwar.com. After maintaining it on their own for the first year, they gave it to the National Priorities Project to contribute to their ongoing educational efforts.
Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.
Please watch Humanity Matters Monday's at eight pm on PCTV21 In Pittsburgh PA.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Watch this it's funny!

Watch this funny clip then act on it.


Action site.

Let us speak out on issues that matter.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If you care about America.

If you care about America you must be ready to show it by voting in every election, but that is just the very first step. Next, you need to write to your Senators and all of our national leaders. In a few weeks yet another Supreme Court Justice will be appointed. You must tell your Senators which way they need to vote. You may not think this has anything to do with you, but it does. Think about how cases will be ruled on and where your rights may be affected because be clear on one thing who is on the court could very well effect new laws which could limit our rights and freedoms. It could decide if it is legal to smoke in bars, to use medical marijuana to help with the pain from cancer and other diseases. It could effect stem cell research and if a woman can control her body. In short it will decide in many cases between life and death or at least what quality of life you or a loved one or friends may have. Yes, there will be laws and rulings that effect you, your family, and our nation so stand up and be counted or will you let them control your life without any say? Our leaders face tough choices and no matter if you are on the right, center or left it is urgent that you let our leaders know where you stand.

Make your freedom count and help America be an even greater nation.

Now, vote in Nov-2005. And write to our leaders today.

Let us speak out on issues that matter.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

We need answers.

I don't ask Americans and our Senators to reject Roberts based on liberal or conservative views. I ask for his rejection based on his non answers, but I point out to my friends on the left and on the right. I would not want a court filled with all liberals nor all conservatives. I believe the Supreme Court must have balance. After all it is the highest court in this nation and decides life and death in many cases and in many ways. We need people of the right, the left, and the center the perfect court would be three moderates, three liberals and three conservatives. This way no one takes over and WE The People have real representation.
John Roberts has been able to avoid answering questions with forthcoming answers, yet he stands to be in judgment of the most important court cases in the United States Of America. If he won't be honest with the Senators in his answers I ask every American and our Senators how can we put our trust in a man who will be able to judge the rights of every American? Would you want your rights and freedoms to be in the hands of a man who could decide a case that will change lives and not for the better, but for the worse? I must ask every Senator to reject John Roberts and I ask every American to call, write, fax and e-mail your Senators and tell them vote no on Roberts.


Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of

Let us speak out on issues that matter.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Horror Show Host Past and Present Airing now.

Horror Show Host Past and Present is on this month.

Horror Show Host Past And Present - With Horror Host Stephen, Professor Emcee Square & Stiffy The Dead Clown.

We had a great time doing this live call in show, but I need to correct one flaw. The credits said I wrote the show in truth all of us did. It was ad libbed and completely unrehearsed so all of us deserve credit for the show. It was really improvisation and I thought we did ok with that format. I also wish to thank Steve, Professor Emcee Square and Stiffy The Dead Clown for a wonderful show.

Please remember that the live call in show was on August-24-2005. No calls please until the next live show we do.

Thank you for watching.


The It's Alive Show.

Wed 9/7/2005 10:00 AM

Sat 9/10/2005 12:00 AM

Wed 9/14/2005 11:00 PM

Sat 9/17/2005 12:00 AM

Wed 9/21/2005 4:00 PM

Fri 9/23/2005 12:00 PM

Wed 9/28/2005 4:00 PM

Sat 10/1/2005 10:00 PM

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

Let us speak out on issues that matter.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wake up now America.

Get to work my friends let your voices be heard loud and clear.

This never should have happened they knew the levee system was weak, but did nothing.
I call upon every single American who is of voting age to get to the polls in 2006 and vote out those in Congress who did nothing to fix the levee system when they had time.
I ask every American to call, write, fax, snail mail and e-mail Leaders of the House and Senate and demand they help our fellow Americans and fix every levee in America.
I had to say what I felt. I hope all will understand and many will act now and when voting time comes again. Don't let them control you get to the polls and show them you matter. Make them hear you. Make them do what is right for our great nation.

Let us speak out on issues that matter.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Let us help them.

Gang, let's all pitch in to help the victims of this Hurricane. I have little money but, we need to help our fellow Americans our family.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many..

Let us speak out on issues that matter.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Freedom what does it mean to you?

Tell me, my friends, what does the word freedom mean to you? Explain what you think freedom is and how much it matters to you.

I value freedom of expression, speech, education, the chance to move up in life by finding your calling or career. These are but a few thoughts I have about what freedom means and what it is. I also value the fact that all men and women in America can sit side by side in a snack bar or on a bus. Up into the civil rights movement not all Americans were able to do that simple pleasure of eating together.

I had this blog made to write about my life and my thoughts about issues and what is right and wrong but, If I am to risk family and my life then I will delete this blog at once. I never made this blog for people to attack me or others and I care not if people feel I'm running away.
This is a blog, not a lifestyle, not a life giving need. I won't risk lives for a blog would you risk your lives for one?

If I delete this blog sometime in the future on Blogger or another blogging server I may return to this form of freedom of expression, but not at a cost to anyone's safety, it's not worth it. I will miss my blogging friends, but not the threats on my life or my families. I may keep this blog, but only I will know that and only if I feel it is safe to do.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

Let us speak out on issues that matter.